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Adam Ratner, MA, LCSW, MBA
Individual & Family Counseling
Naperville & Plainfield, Illinois

(630) 492-1123
Hours: Monday - Thursday (9:30AM-8:30PM), Friday (9:30AM - 6:30PM)
Adam is the only therapist that has ever worked for me. When I came to see him, I was suicidal and very disenchanted with the mental health community. I didn’t think there was any way for me to ever feel happy, let alone feel happy because of therapy, a practice which had never helped me in the past. Thank God I found Adam, who offered an approach to therapy that didn’t rely on medication, meditation, or a combination of the two. Adam helped me build up my self-esteem and work through years’ worth of personal issues, and helped me readjust my way of thinking, giving me a new worldview and a new logic that made it so much easier to cope with my anxiety and depressive thoughts. I walked into Adam’s office a troubled teenager that was convinced I could poke holes in anything he threw at me, and walked out pleasantly surprised that I’d failed. If you are an over-thinker, if you are convinced that no therapy will work on you, and, most importantly, if you secretly desperately want to get better, then Adam can help you. I have no idea where I would be without his therapy, which I credit to saving my life.
L.P. - 19 year old, Female
I remember that the first time that I walked into Adam's office, I was in a pretty bleak and vulnerable condition. I had been dealing with depression and anxiety on my own for a long time. Leaving his office that night, however, I knew that Adam could help me. The way he listened attentively to everything I had to say and his amiable character were very comforting for me. Soon after that, Adam became a person I could trust with anything, and above all I could easily tell that he really cared about his patients. Adam treated my problems as his own, and he was very understanding and sensitive when dealing with them. I know that Adam cares about his patients because he goes out of his way to keep communication outside of appointments, and he has even visited me at work. Additionally, I became very close with Adam because he shared a lot of personal experiences that he felt related to my circumstances. His sharing of experiences provided insight for my situations, and they also made our relationship stronger. Adam is phenomenal at what he does because he loves his job, and I have no idea what condition I would be in if my mom had not set me up with him. What I have come to realize during my time with Adam is that he has become more than a therapist to me - he is my friend and I know he sincerely cares about my well being. I am certain that we will remain in touch long after I leave the area for college.
S.G. 17 year old, Male
Adam is someone who truly changed my life, and without him I would not be the person I am today. Before I saw Adam, I was someone who had no direction and did not know what the future had in store for me as my emotions clouded my judgement. I made decisions that I could not take back and felt there was no way for me to escape the eternal abyss I felt I was falling into. If it was not for Adam, I would have continued to live without purpose and feel like I would have no meaning in my life. If there was one person I could thank for helping me get to the position I am in now, it is him. My sessions with Adam showed me the world in an entirely different lens as I learned more about myself, different social environments, cultures, and family dynamics. Moreover, he helped me keep my anxiety under control and helped me work through my depressive thoughts. However, Adam, like any other therapist, is not an end all solution to what we face as humans. We must first be willing to open ourselves up and be willing to try new things and perspectives as therapy provides the map of sorts to help show us the way through our journey of life. Opening myself to Adam was one of the best decisions I have ever made because I could see the change in who I was/am and how emotionally strong I had become over the 3 years I saw Adam. Every session was the highlight of my week because it was an hour where I could escape my own thoughts or whatever I was dealing with, and find a way to handle it when I left. Adam has become a trusted friend, and a fatherly figure, and I am proud to say that I have been seeing him all these years.
A.V. 19 year old, Male
Client Feedback on the Services Adam Provides
Below, you can find real testimonials and information from real clients about the quality of care that Adam provides, and the positive impact their therapeutic experience with Adam had on their lives.
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